How does one seek a Guru?

Om Sathguru Shri Seshadri Swamigal Thiruvadikkae

Better offer your service to the guru who is living flesh and blood, than to the stone icon or a framed picture of some deity.”

The Chandogyopanishad lays down that a spiritual aspirant must approach a self-realized guru in a proper manner.

There are people, even today, who have the genuine experience of divine vision and self-realization. But they do not travel here and there in the world, building up a crowd of disciples. They stay very quietly away from public view and do sadhana. If you were to find such a one and ask for guidance, he would not be interested in you.

It is not the Guru that makes himself your Guru.

It is you, who must regard him as your Guru,

Place faith in him and meditate on him!